Om Nima
Om Nima
Mina tjänster
Botox Full Face
3 800 kr (ord. 4 500 kr)
Botox 1 område
1 500 kr (ord. 1 800 kr)
Botox 2 områden
2 300 kr (ord. 2 500 kr)
Botox 3 områden
2 700 kr (ord. 2 900 kr)
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content
Service/Item Name
A short description about the item and it's content